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Education Conferences UK provides best practice conferences and training aimed at senior leaders, teachers, SENCOs, safeguarding leads and support staff working in early years, primary and secondary education, across maintained, academy and independent schools. With a particular focus on improving pastoral care in schools we also provide cross sector conferences and masterclasses aimed at assuring and supporting the wellbeing of children and young adults.

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SEND in Crisis: The Growing Issue
Monday 9 Sep 2024
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) children and young people are in crisis within the education system. The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) has sent a letter to Bridget Philipson, the Education Secretary, pleading for a focus on SEND support and changes to the system.
A Month into a Labour Government... What's Changed?
Tuesday 30 Jul 2024
After fourteen years, a new party in Britain is in power - what does this Labour government mean for education? This article will take a look at the initial impact of this change of government.
What Will a New Government Mean for the Education System?
Friday 28 Jun 2024
The UK 2024 General Election draws near; what does this mean for the education system? We will discuss each political party and their plans for education.
Mental Health Issues Amongst School Staff Is On the Rise: What Can You Do About It?
Friday 14 Jun 2024
Mental health issues amongst school staff within the UK education system is on the rise. We will look at recent studies, as well as discussing how to tackle these problems, and a specific mental health conference that addresses these issues.
New RSHE Guidance for Schools
Friday 17 May 2024
UK government's department for education has released a new RSHE guidance review; what are the guidelines saying, and how can education professionals prepare for it?
Protecting Children from Pornography: RSHE Education in the UK
Thursday 9 May 2024
Pornography is becoming more prevalent amongst children and teenagers. We will look at recent reports and statements, and seek to provide material to help educators deal with this growing problem.
Early Years Teaching is in Crisis: What Can be Done About it?
Wednesday 1 May 2024
Recent reports show that early years teaching is facing a crisis, but what can be done about it?
Anticipated Surge in School Suspensions & Exclusions as England Braces for Record High Suspensions In 2024
Wednesday 24 Apr 2024
Recent data points towards an anticipated surge in the number of school suspensions and exclusions in England, in 2024

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