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Improving Oversight of the Use of Alternative Provision 2025

Wed, 30 Apr 2025

Virtual, Online

Follow the conference on X #OversightinAP

“Overall, we found that issues such as a lack of national standards and a lack of clarity on responsibilities for AP commissioning and oversight are leading to inconsistent and ineffective practice.”

Ofsted: Research and analysis: Alternative provision in local areas in England: a thematic review

“All children and young people should have access to safe, high-quality education. For some children in alternative provision (AP), this is not the case.”

Ofsted: Research and analysis: Alternative provision in local areas in England: a thematic review

In February 2025 the DfE published the new ‘Arranging Alternative Provision’ Statutory Guidance for schools and local authorities, which follows Ofsted’s thematic review of alternative provision in 2024. The new Guidance aims to provide clearer direction to local authorities and schools in arranging and managing alternative provision, ensuring that all children receive a suitable and high-quality education tailored to their individual needs.

Join us for the Improving Oversight of the Use of Alternative Provision, so that you can ensure you are up-to-date with the latest government policy and guidance. Designed for school leaders and education professionals, this comprehensive agenda features dynamic sessions led by industry leaders. From understanding impactful AP to improving oversight and quality assurance, each session is packed with practical advice tailored to help you address challenges and unlock the potential of every student. Gain the tools to optimize decision-making, foster collaboration, and ensure compliance with emerging standards, all while driving meaningful, measurable improvements in outcomes.

This full-day event offers key sessions on Ofsted’s evolving inspection criteria and proposals for the future, the art of making placement decisions, and strategies for improving transitions and parental involvement. Whether you’re focused on strategic oversight or hands-on improvements, this agenda is designed to inspire and equip you to champion excellence in alternative provision.

Who should attend?

Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, and other members of the SLT

This conference will enable you to:

  • Ensure you are up to date on the recommendations of the recent thematic review

  • Understand how alternative provision can have a positive impact and how to demonstrate this

  • Improve your placement decision making processes

  • Be better able to assess the suitability of settings

  • Understand what good quality assurance looks like and how you can improve your arrangements

  • Implementing ongoing quality assurance to improve oversight

  • Improve collaboration and information sharing

  • Involve parents and carers in your decision making and ongoing monitoring

  • Understand what good transition planning looks like and how you can improve this in your setting

  • Update your knowledge on how Ofsted inspect your use of AP and how this might change

  • Monitor the impact of individual placements using detailed reviews

Speakers include:

Cath Kitchen, OBE

Chairperson, National Association for Hospital Education & Member of the Alternative Provision Reference Group and Alternative Provision Implementation Group, Department of Education

Sarah Johnson

Phoenix Education Consultancy

Sam Stocken

Company Director
For the Child LTD

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



Virtual Commercial organisations



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

Also of Interest

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