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New to the Role Pupil Premium Lead

Training dates throughout the year:

Mon, 28 Apr 2025
Virtual, Online
Virtual, Online
Mon, 22 Sep 2025
Virtual, Online
Virtual, Online

This brand new course has been designed as a guide to the role of the pupil premium lead and is perfect for those new to the role, or those who have been in the role for some time, but are yet to undertake any formal training.

“As the DfE’s own data shows, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has erased 10 years of progress in narrowing the disadvantage gap. It is clear that greater investment is needed to recover lost learning for the current generation of pupils.”

Natalie Perera, chief executive, Education Policy Institute

The widening of the disadvantage gap looks set to continue to increase over the next academic year, meaning that the role of the pupil premium lead will be in the spotlight. Coupled with ever-growing pressures on budgets meaning that pupil premium spending will be closely monitored, it is vital that those in charge of spending have received formal training to support them in their role.

Join us for this full day masterclass, delivered by leading expert Matt Bromley to explore this crucial area in detail - you will come away confident in your role and its responsibilities. Throughout the day you will cover topics such as understanding policy and process, putting in place an action plan, monitoring impact, ensuring interventions achieve value and quality for money and delivering interventions that really work.

With plenty of time throughout the day for networking and asking questions, you will come away feeling empowered in your role.

Pupil premium leads and co-ordinators, assistant heads, deputy heads and other members of staff with responsibility for pupil premium spending out outcome monitoring.

By the end of this masterclass, you will understand:

  • The breadth of responsibilities of the pupil premium lead

  • Funding and eligibility criteria

  • What is expected of you in terms of accountability and reporting

  • The mistakes that have been made in the past with regard to pupil premium spending and what we can learn from this

  • How to put in place a 3 point plan to identify barriers and measure impact

  • What interventions can work for your students

  • How to monitor the impact of interventions

  • How you can use pupil premium funding to focus on quality first teaching

  • How to use funding for in classroom support

  • How to target use additional interventions for maximum impact

Matt Bromley is an education journalist, author, and advisor with twenty five years’ experience in teaching and leadership including as a secondary school headteacher and academy principal, further education college vice principal, and multi-academy trust director. Matt is a public speaker, trainer, initial teacher training lecturer, and school improvement advisor. He remains a practising teacher, currently working in secondary, FE and HE settings. Matt writes for various magazines, is the author of numerous best-selling books on education, and co-hosts an award-winning podcast. 

Facilitated by:

Matt Bromley

Education Author, Journalist & Advisor
Bromley Education

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

Also of Interest

Mon, 28 Apr 2025
Virtual, Online
Virtual, Online
Mon, 22 Sep 2025
Virtual, Online
Virtual, Online

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