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“..the increase in poor behaviour among a minority of pupils is posing a challenge for school leaders and teachers…A lack of support from some parents, many of whom are facing challenges themselves, in dealing with behavioural issues only adds to the scale of the challenge.””
Pepe Di’Iasio, General Secretary, ASCL leaders’ Union
“Instead, schools and local authorities should work to create environments where school exclusions are not necessary because pupil behaviour does not require it.”
Suspension and permanent exclusion guidance
“Good behaviour in schools is central to a good education. Schools need to manage behaviour well so they can provide calm, orderly, safe and supportive environments in which children and young people want to attend and can learn and thrive. Being taught how to behave well is vital for children to succeed personally and for them to successfully navigate the communities they inhabit.”
Behaviour in schools guidance
Join us at the Improving Behaviour in Schools Conference 2025 for a day dedicated to empowering school leaders with the latest strategies and insights to enhance student behaviour. This comprehensive agenda features essential updates on government policies, effective anti-bullying strategies, and innovative approaches to tackling issues such as sexual harassment and misogyny. Gain valuable knowledge from experienced educators and advisors on establishing a whole-school culture, engaging parents and the community, and implementing restorative discipline policies.
The conference also includes specialised sessions on supporting early career teachers with behaviour management and a toolkit for tackling low level disruption.
This event is designed to provide school leaders with actionable strategies to foster a positive and inclusive learning environment. Through presentations, interactive Q&A sessions, and opportunities for virtual networking, you will connect with peers and experts dedicated to improving school behaviour. Whether it's understanding the latest guidance from the Department for Education, developing effective anti-bullying policies, or promoting mental health strategies for positive behaviour, this conference offers a holistic approach to creating a supportive school climate.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Behaviour Leads, Deputy Heads, Heads of Year, Leads, SENCOs and Designated Safeguarding Leads
This conference will enable you to:
Ensure you are up to date with all of the changes in the area of school behaviour
Have an overview of the latest government guidance on behaviour, suspensions and exclusions
Implement a toolkit for tackling low-level disruption in the classroom
Provide better support and training for ECT in relation to behaviour management
Create an action plan for co-ordinating a whole school approach to behaviour management
Understand the concept of positive behaviour management and how this can be used in your school
Improve engagement with parents, carers and the community to support your behaviour improvement strategies
Take steps to tackle the increasing issues of sexual harassment and misogyny within schools
Ensure that your bullying policies and procedures are audited and updated
Comply with your revised duties surrounding suspensions and exclusions
Meet the specific behaviour needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities