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Misogyny, Masculinity and Sexual Harassment - How to identify systemic bias, tackle misogyny and create a truly inclusive culture

Wed, 4 Jun 2025

Virtual, Online

As humans we have an unconscious tendency to gather with people who are like us. When groups of similar people with similar biases form organisations, schools or businesses, then those biases get ‘baked into’ the culture of the organisation. They become systemic. Historically, most of our organisations were set up and led by males – leaving a disparity that unfairly disadvantages women.

This training explores how to create an inclusive, welcoming workplace culture that enables all staff to thrive and succeed. It also provides opportunity to unpick cultural and moral ideals/norms around the issues of gender and sex that continue to perpetuate inequality in society and undermine human value. Women and girls everywhere continue to be treated prejudicially, sexually harassed and abused. In order to properly address this, it is essential that all staff begin to notice and address their own unconscious bias and know how to challenge sexist behaviour and assumptions in the workplace.

This training is a fascinating and challenging wake up call to proactively counter the culture that fosters inequality and abuse.

HR staff, Senior Line Managers, team leaders and anyone with HR responsibilities,

You will:

  • Understanding unconscious bias and systemic sexism

  • What sexual harassment is and how to address it

  • Masculinity and awareness of online influences

  • What consent really means

  • Developing an organisation-wide approach to misogynistic behaviour

  • How to empower female staff to deal with misogyny

  • Discuss and challenge the effects of pornography

  • Recognising and addressing both low level and overt misogyny

  • Becoming anti-sexist: implications for policy and practice

  • Male privilege and how to create equitable systems

  • A rights-based approach to working

  • The 10 principles of anti-discriminatory practice

  • What you can do as an organisation to effect change & promote a fairer working culture.

Peter is an experienced public speaker, teacher, trainer and author of Love Teaching Keep Teaching. He has a wealth of experience of leadership, personal development and education. Peter founded Beyond This to work with schools in equipping students for the adventure of life and work and helping leaders and teachers to develop the strategies and momentum to transform education and grow ground-breaking schools.

Peter has worked in education for over 25 years and has particular experience in effecting change at a whole school level through addressing systems and mindsets that stifle progress. As a youth leader, teacher, middle leader, senior leader and coach he has expertise and hands-on experience in drawing the best out of people within the challenging context of education.

Peter is accredited with the GC Index, a ground-breaking assessment tool that enables people to find and make their best impact. Peter has led two schools to achieve the Unicef Rights Respecting School Award. His Free & Equal? national human rights conferences for secondary and sixth form students have reached tens of thousands. He now speaks and runs workshops for studentsand staff around the country inspiring change.

Facilitated by:

Peter Radford

Education Consultant
Beyond This

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



Virtual Commercial organisations



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

Also of Interest

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