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Designated Safeguarding Leads and their Deputies are required to refresh their knowledge at least annually, stay ahead of the latest safeguarding developments at the Designated Safeguarding Lead Annual Update Conference, a must-attend event for Designated Safeguarding Leads and school leader.
This comprehensive one-day conference will equip you with critical updates on Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2025, changing Ofsted safeguarding expectations, and emerging challenges in child protection. Expert-led sessions will explore contextual safeguarding beyond the school gates, safeguarding against affluent neglect, supporting vulnerable learners with SEND, and the ever-growing challenges of mental health and digital safeguarding.
Gain practical insights, actionable strategies, and the latest guidance from leading safeguarding specialists, ensuring your school is fully prepared to meet statutory requirements and create a culture of safeguarding excellence.
Who should attend?
Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, Headteachers, Pastoral Leads and any other member of the school staff who wish to update their safeguarding knowledge.
This conference will enable you to:
Get your annual safeguarding update, including changes to legislation and guidance for 2025
Ensure you are up to date with the changes to KCSIE and Working Together to Safeguard Children
Understand what a ‘culture of safeguarding’ looks like and how you can take steps to embed it within your school
Understand how Ofsted are proposing to change inspection of safeguarding from Autumn 2025 and how you can effectively prepare for this change
Equip yourself with the knowledge and strategies needed to safeguard children from risks beyond the school environment through a contextual safeguarding approach
Identify potential cases of affluent neglect and respond effectively
Enhance safeguarding practices for children with SEND by improving identification, accessibility, and multi-agency collaboration
Integrate mental health awareness into safeguarding procedures to effectively safeguarding vulnerable students
Explore the new and emerging online risks facing children and young people