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The much-anticipated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan was published in March 2023 in response to the SEND Review. It sets out the Government’s proposals to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND. The Improvement Plan aims to deliver a new national system, providing consistently high-quality provision that; supports children to meet their potential, builds parents trust and is financially stable.
The plan includes a vision for a more inclusive education system, where needs are identified earlier and met more effectively through evidence-based practice. This national system will be underpinned by national standards that will begin a testing phase at the end of 2023.
With so much change on the horizon, there is a lot to talk about! Join us at this essential conference for a day full of practical sessions focusing on what your school can do to improve provision for pupils with SEND in mainstream provision. You will hear from a range of experts on topics that the Improvement Plan focuses on such as; improving consistent identification, supporting transitions, promoting inclusion in the SEND system, the role of adaptive teaching, improving collaborative working and boosting attendance rates.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, SENCOs, Assistant SENCOs, Inclusion Leads and other members of the SLT
The steps in this Plan cannot be delivered by government alone and local system leaders can start now in learning from and adopting good practice from elsewhere. We ask that you join with us to rise to the challenge, and we look forward to working with you to deliver a single national system that delivers consistently for every child and young person with SEND and in alternative provision.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan, March 2023
Children and young people with SEN have consistently worse outcomes than their peers across every measure. They have poorer attendance, make up over 80% of children and young people in state place-funded alternative provision and just 22% reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.
SEND Review: Right support, Right time, Right place
This conference will enable you to:
Get an overview of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan
Understand the Improvement Plan focus on smooth transitions and how you can support this
Understand the challenges surrounding poorer outcomes for children with SEND
Devise a plan for improving the identification of need within your school
Consider how to offer consistent, prompt and evidence-based for children upon identification
Think strategically about your SEND provision so that you can embed a whole school culture that promotes improvement
Implement adaptive teaching techniques strategies to ensure equity and equality in education
Improve how you work with families to boost confidence in the SEND system
Understand the concept behind local SEND and AP partnerships
Build inclusive practices in your school to support the aim of keeping more children in mainstream schools
Audit your attendance policy to ensure that your guidance for SEND pupils and families is in line with new government guidance
Implement new techniques for improving attendance rates for pupils with SEND