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“…children and young people with SEN fall behind their peers at every stage of education, regardless of their prior attainment. Children and young people with SEN are also more likely to be disengaged from education, pushing them further behind. They have poorer attendance and are more likely to be excluded.”
SEND Review: Right support, Right time, Right place
“140% increase in the number of children with an education, health and care (EHC) plan, or equivalent statement of special educational needs, from 240,000 in January 2015 to 576,000 in January 2024”
Support for children and young people with special educational needs, National Audit Office, DfE
A report published in October 2024 by the National Audit Office show that there has been a 140% increase in the number of children with EHCPs, or equivalent in the last nine years. It goes on to state that despite this, since 2019, there has been no consistent improvement in outcomes for children with SEND. This event is designed for school leaders who are committed to understanding and navigating the latest policy changes, preparing for upcoming Ofsted inspection updates, and strengthening SEND provision in schools. Delegates will gain insights into the national SEND crisis, discover key elements of the SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan, and prepare for future shifts in government policy. This conference will equip you with strategies to improve safeguarding, optimize partnerships with external SEND services, and provide strong evidence of adaptations made to support students with SEND.
This day of learning goes beyond policy to provide practical tools for impactful change. Sessions will focus on using data to drive improvement, creating an inclusive curriculum, and building effective leadership in SEND provision. Gain actionable steps for strengthening your SEND partnerships and fostering an inclusive culture that empowers both students and staff. With a focus on supporting each learner’s unique needs, this conference will offer you the skills and insights to enhance your school’s approach to SEND, ensuring every student has access to an equitable and ambitious education. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with leading experts and network with like-minded professionals dedicated to the future of SEND provision.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, SENCOs, Assistant SENCOs and other members of the SLT
This conference will enable you to:
Ensure you are up to date with the current inspection framework and how your SEND provision will be inspected
Look ahead to potential changes to the inspection framework for 2025
Get an update on SEND system improvement and proposals from the new government
Anticipate what inspectors are looking for when considering the achievements of SEND pupils
Understand how your curriculum design will be inspected
Audit your curriculum to ensure that it is broad and ambitious
Be prepared for how SEND provision will be judged under each judgement area
Prepare the relevant and necessary data to demonstrate impact for your pupils
Understand how Ofsted will inspect the safeguarding arrangements for SEND pupils to ensure they take account of additional vulnerabilities
Understand the changes to local area SEND inspections