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Building Strong Foundations: Ensuring Consistency and Continuity from EYFS to Key Stage 1

Fri, 27 Jun 2025

Virtual, Online

This masterclass examines the vital role of consistency and continuity in early education, focusing on the transition from EYFS to Key Stage 1. It explores the curriculum’s intent, balancing academic development with fostering attitudes and dispositions that promote mental health and resilience.

Participants will learn how to implement an effective, well-sequenced curriculum that equips children with foundational skills in communication, literacy, numeracy, and general knowledge, while also supporting physical, emotional, and social development.

The course addresses the challenges of supporting disadvantaged learners, ensuring they receive the targeted teaching and practice needed to close early learning gaps. It also emphasises the importance of developing executive function, a crucial element for learning and well-being.

We will provide you you with the tools for monitoring the curriculum’s impact on the whole child, preparing them to become confident, resilient, and active contributors to society.


This masterclass will enable you to:

  • Explain with clarity why your curriculum is structured and how ambitious and aspirational it is.

  • Develop the clear links in children’s deeper level learning and understanding of themselves, others, and their wider responsibilities.

  • Implement proven strategies to support children’s language and Personal development.

  • Ensure consistency of pedagogy across the year groups and build a powerful force for learning building upon executive function and metacognition.

  • Review routines and environments and ensure that these meet the diverse needs of early learners.

  • Monitor the quality of education at your school/setting against the statutory requirements and against the aspirations of your curriculum

Head teachers, Governors, school leadership and class teachers.

Neil is an independent educational consultant supporting schools and settings across London, the Midlands, and the Southeast. He is a School Improvement Specialist for The Brent Schools Partnership, the Diocese of Southwark, and The Griffin and Future Education Trusts.

Neil’s work involves dealing with a multitude of schools at different levels – working operationally with class teachers in developing classroom practice and provision, and also at a strategic level with Heads, Governors and the Senior Leadership, prioritising areas for development and supporting emerging leadership teams and undertaking whole school reviews.

Neil undertakes Performance Management reviews for Head Teachers and review of governance systems, structures, and accountability.

Neil’s previous role was Head of Early Years in Surrey– this post involved working at a strategic level with all sectors of Childcare provision to ensure implementation and monitoring of the EYFS and the Outcome Duties. He worked closely with Early Years Improvement Teams and the Primary Consultants, ensuring that analysis was used to highlight areas for improvement. He has completed his MA in Education.

Neil is a vastly experienced Early Years and Foundation Stage teacher – he has taught for many years in Nursery, Reception, and other Year groups. He has been a Foundation Stage leader, deputy head, and head of school. As member of School Leadership Teams and as an external advisor has supported and directed numerous schools through successful Ofsted’s and transformations.

Neil was also an Early Years Advisory Teacher and Consultant for Croydon, Head of Early Years in Waltham Forest – where he implemented a rigorous system of Quality Assurance that resulted in vastly improved outcomes for children, a narrowing of the ‘gap’ and Improved Ofsted results for all sectors of Early Years provision.

Neil is a Governor at 2 Primary schools in England and on the Board of Directors for a newly founded Multi Academy Trust.

Neil has led on and contributed to numerous National and Regional Early Years and Primary Conferences on subjects including Dispositions towards Learning, Boys Learning, Involvement in Learning, Early Language Development. His passion is developing and supporting positive behaviours for learning, children’s involvement in the learning process and the role of the adult. He has written widely and has had articles published on Involvement and Engagement, Narrowing the Gap, Implementing Quality Controls in the EYFS, The Characteristics of Effective Learning, Boys Learning, Transition, Active Learning and Implementing the EYFS. His well received and authoritative books – ‘Getting it Right for Boys’ and ‘Getting it Right in Reception’ are available online.

Facilitated by:

Mr Neil Farmer

School and Early Years Consultancy and Support
Neil Farmer School Excellence

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

Fee Options

Virtual NHS, Schools, Care and Public Sector



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

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