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Access Arrangements Conference 2024

This Conference is now Closed

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Who should attend?

Anyone involved in the access arrangements process, including but not limited to SENCOs, members of the SLT, Exams Officers, Heads of Centre and Assessors.

Join us for this essential conference to ensure that you are up to date with the changes to access arrangements for the 2024/2025 exam period. Make sure that you fully understand your role and how you can effectively support pupils during their exams as well as comply with JCQ requirements.

We’ve worked closely with Nick Lait, the Head of JCQ Examinations Centre to put together this comprehensive agenda which will address the challenges you are currently facing in your school. You will go away feeling more confident about working with the whole school staff, individual pupils, parents and carers to ensure the best outcomes for your pupils.

This conference will enable you to:

  • Get a complete update on the changes to 2024/25 regulations on access arrangements and reasonable adjustments, including JCQ guidance

  • Understand the implications of the 2024/25 changes for your school

  • Keep up to date with the latest developments in assistive technology

  • Understand the impact of the pandemic on pupil mental health and the increased rates of exam anxiety

  • Support pupils suffering from exam anxiety by using appropriate tools, techniques and where necessary, adjustments

  • Ensure your policies and procedures are in line with current requirements

  • Work with parents to understand and manage differing parental expectations

  • Avoid last minute requests by working closely with teachers, parents and other members of staff

  • Put in place measures to best support your autistic pupils achieve to their maximum potential in exams

  • Manage the increasing number of AA requests for pupils with ADHD

  • Fully understand the assessment process, how it works in practice and how you can improve its efficiency

  • Ask our panel of experts your burning questions in relation to working with exams officers and the SLT


Exhibition & Sponsorship Packages

This conference offers a valuable opportunity for industry suppliers to personally meet with their target audience where they will have time to talk and demonstrate the benefits of their products. High quality specialist audiences make having a presence at our events a highly targeted and cost effective marketing channel.

Why Exhibit?

Having a presence at this event will give you the opportunity to:

  • Demonstrate your product, system or service
  • Network and engage with your key audience  
  • Generate new business leads
  • Gain exposure for your brand and raise the profile of your organisation
  • Understand the current needs of your audience and challenges they’re facing
  • Update your knowledge of national policy and local developments  


Contact Carolyn Goodbody for exhibition and sponsorship prices, or to discuss a tailored package to suit your needs and budget.

Also of Interest

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